Exploring Nidhivan: Khargone’s Emerging Spiritual and Tourist Haven

In the heart of Khargone, a hidden gem is slowly but surely emerging on the Meherja hill – Nidhivan. This sacred and serene haven is being crafted to mirror the spiritual allure of Vrindavan while promoting environmental conservation and offering a delightful escape for tourists and locals alike. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the fascinating journey of Nidhivan’s development and the myriad offerings it promises.

A Slice of Paradise: Nidhivan’s Beginnings

Nestled amidst the enchanting landscapes of Khargone, Nidhivan is situated on a sprawling 106-acre hilly expanse in Meherja. This once-vacant land is now witnessing a magnificent transformation, with lush saplings being lovingly nurtured to create a thriving ecosystem.

nidhivan khargone

MNREGA Scheme: Fostering Development

Under the visionary MNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) scheme, Nidhivan is undergoing a remarkable metamorphosis. The project envisions much more than just a tourist spot; it seeks to promote community involvement and usher in holistic development.

Embarking on a Spiritual Journey

At the heart of Nidhivan’s development is a deep-rooted commitment to spiritual enrichment. Here, spirituality intertwines seamlessly with tourism, creating an experience that’s both enlightening and captivating.

nidhivan khargone

Lord Shri Krishna’s Grandeur

One of the most captivating features of Nidhivan is the awe-inspiring 61-feet tall statue of Lord Shri Krishna. This magnificent sculpture, reminiscent of Vrindavan’s divine charm, is poised to be a focal point of spiritual reverence for visitors.

A Picnic Paradise

Nidhivan isn’t just about spiritual awakening; it’s also a haven for those seeking leisure and recreation. A dedicated picnic spot is being meticulously crafted, complete with a 25-feet platform for the installation of the Lord Shri Krishna idol. Children, too, will find their paradise here, as swings are set to grace this enchanting location.

nidhivan khargone

Boating Bliss

One of the most recent additions to Nidhivan’s attractions is the introduction of boating facilities. Visitors can now serenely glide across the serene pond, soaking in the tranquility and natural beauty that surrounds them. It’s an ideal way to connect with nature and find inner peace.

Nurturing Nature: Environmental Conservation

Nidhivan’s development isn’t just about human experiences; it’s also deeply committed to environmental protection and sustainability.

Greening the Landscape

The initiative includes planting a wide variety of plants, including Ayurvedic herbs and fruit-bearing trees such as coconut, sapota, mango, and peepal. This effort not only beautifies Nidhivan but also contributes to the region’s green cover.

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The Promise of More

As Nidhivan continues to evolve, there’s a promise of even more to come. The amalgamation of cultural, social, and spiritual elements on this 106-acre hill ensures that every visitor leaves with cherished memories and a sense of profound connection.

nidhivan khargone


In the heart of Khargone, Nidhivan is swiftly evolving into a destination that seamlessly blends spirituality, tourism, and environmental consciousness. With the grandeur of Lord Shri Krishna’s statue, the serenity of boating on the pond, and the promise of further attractions, Nidhivan is poised to become a must-visit place for travelers seeking spiritual rejuvenation and a taste of nature’s splendor.

As the project unfolds and more facilities come into play, Nidhivan will undoubtedly secure its place on the map as a top-tier tourist destination. So, don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this remarkable journey. Plan your visit to Nidhivan and experience the magic for yourself!

People Ask Questions

What is Nidhivan in Khargone?

Why is Nidhivan gaining popularity?

What is the significance of Lord Shri Krishna’s statue?

Can visitors go boating at Nidhivan?

Is there a picnic spot at Nidhivan?

What can visitors expect in the future at Nidhivan?

Is there accommodation available near Nidhivan?


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